Top tips for Bonfire Night with your baby

Are you heading out to a firework display this weekend? 

Fireworks can be a fantastic sensory experience for your baby! The bright lights, sounds and colours can make it an exciting outing to be enjoyed by the whole family.
With a baby or young child, it's important to be extra careful about safety on Bonfire Night. We've put together our top tips for how to enjoy it with your baby safely.

Keep your baby warm.

Make sure your baby wrapped up in a cosy winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves. 

Protect your baby's ears.

Use earmuffs or ear defenders to protect your baby's ears from the loud noise of the fireworks. These will also provide protection from the cold and can be used on babies as young as 6 weeks old.

Be wary of sparklers.

Sparklers shouldn't be given to children under the age of five. If you do give your child a sparkler, always help them to hold it away from their face and make sure they are wearing gloves to protect their hands.

 Steer clear of the heat.

Stand as far back as you can from where the fireworks are set off and the bonfire is as the heat can make your baby uncomfortable. 

Keep your baby with you at all times.

Make sure your baby is kept with you at all times for safety reasons.

If your baby becomes overwhelmed or frightened.

Most children are mesmerised by fireworks, but if your baby becomes frightened, be prepared to make a quick getaway. You can always watch the display from inside your car, as this will tone down the noise.

Take the essentials.

Don't forget to take any wipes, dummies, earmuffs, layers etc. that you'll need for your baby at the firework display. Fit all the essentials in our handy Inka bag, which can be worn over your shoulder.

Stay safe!  
